Explore Hoa Binh highland market

13/12/2022 2676 0

Market times have long become a unique cultural feature of the ethnic minorities here. The market is not only a place for indigenous people to sell local products, exchange essential goods from the delta, it is also a place to meet friends, exchange feelings, a festival, a time to visit. Time to socialize after hard working days.

On the day of the market, people bring to the market unique products and products with their own culture. Through the products that are exchanged, bought and sold, we can see the traditional culture in cuisine, such as: bitter bamboo shoots, sour bamboo shoots, doi seeds, mac Khen seeds, bitter leaves, and Lom leaves (a kind of sour leaves for cooking with buffalo and beef meat), buffalo skin makes the flavor of dishes in the Northwest. In apparel made from textiles, crafts for sale, extra parts of clothes, decorations of the clothing, accompanying jewelry.

 In particular, people from diferent villages in the area come to the market with the mood to meet relatives, exchange and enjoy the culture acting at the market, especially the culinary culture. Almost everyone who goes to the market is well dressed and friendly to visit each other. People are also free to choose forms of entertainment and entertainment organized in the market space. Therefore, people often say that going to the market is going to play. One thing that is easy to see in many markets is that ethnic minorities are interested in preserving their cultural identity through their speech and costumes, especially in the market of the Tay and Dao people in Da Bac district; Muong people in districts: Tan Lac, Lac Son, Kim Boi; Thai and Mong people in Mai Chau district. Here, people buy and sell regardless of goods of high or low value, sometimes a chicken, a dozen of eggs, a pig, or simply a few bundles of sugar cane, a bunch of vegetables, a bunch of fruits of the family, etc. The market is also the place where traditional cultural and artistic activities take place. People go to the market to know more about other people, feel the beauty that is happening in everyday life.

Traveling to Hoa Binh, visitors will not be surprised when they discover the highland markets somewhere right on the roadside with full of vibrant colors, following are a few pictures for you enjoy and have more clear view about market time in Hoa Binh.

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A Muong woman selling agricultural products grown by her family

D:\1. Sở Văn hóa\Năm 2021\2. Bài đăng Website\2. Website Hồ\6. Câu chuyện HB qua ảnh\3.JPG

Brocade fabrics and silver costume accessories are sold at the market

D:\1. Sở Văn hóa\Năm 2021\2. Bài đăng Website\2. Website Hồ\6. Câu chuyện HB qua ảnh\6.JPG


A man is choosing to buy farm tools

Mai Chau Highland Market


Snacks and local products are displayed for sale

Pa Co Market time in Mai Chau


Lam Chau

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