Tham quan chế độ CAMERA
Price: Free
Time to visit a place: 120 phút
Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM
Address: Phường Tân Thịnh, Thành phố Hòa Bình, Tỉnh Hoà Bình
As the first huge industrial complex of the industrialization and modernization are, the Plant has 8 units, with a total output of 1,920 MW, generating 8.4 billion kWh/year through the system of power lines 110 kV; 220 kV; 500 kV across the country. Hoa Binh Reservoir in a surface area of over 8,000 ha and a capacity of approx 9.5 billion m3, with a lot of islands, cool climate, clean landscape, will be favourable conditions for investors to develop various forms of tourism.